HSBC.COM.AU - Bank Connection

BillyBilly Member Posts: 28

I am wondering if there is any news on the ongoing issues with Bank Connections with some banks, in my case ?

This bank connection was off for 6 weeks earlier in the year and i was able to successfully reconnect it around 27th March, however after another week or 2, it stopped again.

I have deleted the connection but am unable to connect at all. Nothing happens when the details are re entered. No errors or anything, it's like the connect button has been disabled.
I have read so many replies on the forums, but no real clear clarity from Wave.

Could we hear from Wave to clarify -
What the issue is?
How many banks, or a list of banks this issue is affecting?
How long it will take to resolve?

I can fully appreciate there are elements that are outside of your control, however the most frustrating part is that support tickets are being ignored and we are not receiving any clear communication.

Please, can we just get an update.

thank you


  • Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    @Billy I think I spoke to you yesterday via DMs from Facebook/Twitter, but I just wanted to reiterate that I don't have a ton of detail about the exact timelines for this to be resolved. All I see is that there's currently a site change that HSBC made which is causing 22% of connections to be affected as of April 16th.

    Since being detected, the ETA has shifted back further 5 separate times, and the most recent estimated ETA claims April 30th, so that seems to me that it's going to backslide again. This issue is specific to the way HSBC makes changes to their website, and our data provider needs to respond accordingly. I.E, these issues are isolated to each individual bank which our data provider supports.

    In lieu of current fixes, you'll need to upload your bank statements or use our Wave Connect add-on with Google Sheets to continue entering your transaction data into Wave.

  • BillyBilly Member Posts: 28

    Hi Ryan, nice to hear from you guys... No, it wasn't me you were previously chatting to but thanks for
    the update.

    Can you add a note to this ticket when you have more news as none of the 6 tickets i have sent from the 13th March have ever been replied too.

    edited May 1, 2019
  • paddyhazardpaddyhazard Member Posts: 4

    July now... Any chance of EVER getting HSBC to connect again?

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @paddyhazard To confirm -- are you referring to HSBC in Australia? Currently this is the only URL for HSBC institutions that are still reporting some issues with our data provider (and yes, they are still investigating what could be happening here).

  • BillyBilly Member Posts: 28

    There has been numerous intermittent issues with HSBC Australian accounts over the last 6 months, but everything stopped about 3 months ago and has never worked since. Here is the HSBC account that doesn't work. It would be great to get some clarity from Wave as to how long this might take to fix.

    edited July 5, 2019
  • paddyhazardpaddyhazard Member Posts: 4

    @JamieD yes, as per what Billy said above HSBC Australia accounts have just stopped working for months and we've heard NOTHING from wave about when this might (or if it will) ever get fixed.

  • MyronMyron Member Posts: 143 admin

    Hi @Billy @paddyhazard. Thank you for your responses.

    Bank Connections in Wave are facilitated through a third party provider of secure bank data connections.

    Our third party provider builds and maintains connections to tens of thousands of banks. As as consequence of Banks constantly changing their security and login processes, it can be extremely challenging for our data provider to maintain every bank connection.

    I took a look into HSBC Bank (Australia) and I'm afraid that support for this bank is currently disabled as our third part provider currently does not support the security system used by this bank.

    I apologize for any inconvenience. Our bank data provider is constantly working to improve this functionality, so it is certainly worth checking back from time to time to try connecting again in the future.

    In the meantime, you are still able to get your bank transactions into Wave without having to enter them manually by uploading statements or by using our Google Sheets integration, Wave Connect. Here are some links to help you with those options:

  • BillyBilly Member Posts: 28

    Hi @JamieD any chance we could get an update on this one please.

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    It looks like it's still down @Billy. My assumption is that there isn't going to be a resolution from our 3rd party any time soon I'm afraid. I appreciate you coming back to check in, but you will need continue uploading your bank statements manually through the feature, or Wave Connect.

  • BillyBilly Member Posts: 28

    Hi @JamieD is there any way to get some clear information as to the issues with your 3rd party provider and when they will be resolved? You have been part of numerous discussions here not just from myself regarding HSBC over the past 8 or so months. They are also one of the largest banks in Asia Pacific so this issue affects a great many clients on Wave and it would be great if we could understand more clearly what the actual issue is, and when it will be resolved. Just so we are all clear, when HSBC updated their sign in process, your 3rd party was able to successfully modify their systems to make it work. HSBC has not changed anything since, so i really don't understand why they cannot get it working.

    Rather than making assumptions, let's get the lines of communication open, so we all understand.

    edited August 29, 2019
  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭


    I can speak a little more big picture of what is going on here, but sadly we don't really have any timelines.

    So typically what happens is that your bank may make some major updates to their website or their back end API. When this happens our third party banking aggregator loses the connection and may need to establish a new one. You can imagine with thousands of banks making these updates our third party aggregator has a bit of a difficult time keeping up. Typically banks don't inform our data aggregator of these said changes proactively and of course we as a support team have to deal with these types of issues retroactively, once we've found out about the issue.

    We have already sent the institution the need for an update, and are waiting on this to be fixed. At this present time I apologize I don't have an ETA for when that will be, but you should know that our team is working diligently to get this connection sorted out. Thanks so much for your patience.

  • BillyBilly Member Posts: 28

    @AlexL This the HSBC post i was referring to in another post. I have tried many many times to reconnect, even as recently as this week. Still unable to. Any update from Wave would be appreciated.

  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    @Billy I have taken a look on the back end here. It looks like HSBC site is currently showing an error with our data provider. This error reads "We currently do not support the security system used by this site. We apologize for any inconvenience. Check back periodically if this situation has changed. We suggest you to delete this site". This type of error is rare, and unfortunately a fix for this can take some time. I do not have much more information about the error but it looks like our data aggregator is not able to communicate with HSBC due to the security systems currently in place. These systems are often updated by banks and may not allow third parties (such as our data provider) access to your information. You can read more about this here. In the mean time we have a couple of other methods you can use to upload your transactional data into Wave. I have included them here: Using our CSV uploader or Wave Connect.

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