Adjusting Currency Conversions So That I Can Mark International Invoices As Paid

NeilNeil Member Posts: 3

Please help, loving Wave and have figured most of it out for myself, but there is one issue I can't seem to solve...

I am based in the UK and often Invoice US clients in dollars. Once I've been paid I would like to "record a payment" to match up the payment with the correct invoice.

However the currency conversion is always a few pounds different to the total amount on the invoice sent so Wave does not offer me the option to make it as "Payment Received for an Invoice in Wave" as the amounts are not identical. How can I do this please?


  • Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Neil in this case, you'd need to navigate to the invoice itself, and manually edit the conversion rate on the invoice so it matches the bank's conversion. Then you can match it with the transaction that was imported by the bank connection. Hope that helps!

  • NeilNeil Member Posts: 3

    Thanks so much @Ryan_W for getting back to me. That makes sense thanks - sorry if this is a dumb question but how do you "edit the conversion rate on the invoice"? I've tried editing the invoice and double clicking on the conversion text but am unable to amend. Thanks

  • razlanismerazlanisme Member Posts: 1

    I'm having the same issue. I couldn't find the setting to edit exchange rate.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Neil + @razlanisme . I think Ryan made a mistake here as what he meant was "manually edit the amount on the invoice" to match the bank's conversion, not edit the conversion rate itself (as this isn't possible). If you change the amount listed on the invoice to match the payment amount, you can then actually align the payment to the invoice accordingly.

  • NeilNeil Member Posts: 3

    Thanks @razlanisme for confirming this.

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