
Transactions are not importing to my bank

Nathan101Nathan101 Member Posts: 1
The transaction are appearing after the invoices are paid. However for the past 5 days they are still in transit and are not being sent into my bank account. The bank connection has no errors and I have updated it multiple times over the past few days. Could you help in resolving this issue. Thank you.
edited May 11, 2019 in Bank Connections


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    ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @Nathan101 , thanks for reaching out. Please excuse my confusion, are you saying that the actual funds from the invoice payment have not hit your bank account yet? Or that your bank connection has not imported the transaction?

    If the funds have not hit your bank account yet, you should be able to see the expected arrival date on your Stripe dashboard, which you can access via Sales > Credit Card payments on your account. you can also contact Stripe directly on Support.stripe.com if you are having trouble seeing that date, or need more information on processing times.

    If the payment transaction has not been imported to your account, you should still have the Wave generated payment transaction on your transactions page, from when the invoice was paid. If you do not see that transaction please do let me know!

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