
Expense Reports

Ste4enSte4en Member Posts: 1

Hello, I would like several users to be able to upload receipts and then collate them for a complete billing report or expense report. Will Wave do this for me and where do i go to get the expense report. Can the itemized expenses by pulled into an invoice.




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    Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Ste4en, if you want other users to have the ability to send receipts to your Wave account, there are a couple things you need to do (if you haven't already).

    They need to be added as guest users, at which point they can download the mobile receipts app. Once they're set up, they can scan and send receipts to the web version of Wave.

    Then, when you're ready, you can review these receipts at Purchases > Receipts, and verify each expense before posting it to your transactions page. This will create expense transactions, that will then factor into your reporting (like the Profit and Loss, or relevant Account Transactions reports if you want to zero in on specific expenses). I'm not sure what you mean with regards to pulling expenses onto an invoice, so if you want to elaborate on what you mean, please don't hesitate!

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    PatomPatom Member Posts: 3

    Is there not a report that can give me a summary to date (or last-year, year-end, etc.) of the amount spent for expenses by category, i.e., Business Meals. These categories are setup so I have the info I need to prepare my tax statement at the end of the year.

    Quickbooks not only has a report for this but also ties the categories to the IRS form/field. Not asking for that but why would you have "Categories" if you can't REPORT on it?

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    JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Patom and Welcome to Wave's Community Forum. I went ahead and merged your post into this ongoing discussion as it seems to be related.

    While Wave does not have an Expense Report, one option that may be helpful would be the Account Transactions report. This will allow you to search by a specific expense category and view all the transactions that have been categorized accordingly. This report can also be filtered to specific date ranges for these specific accounts. Hope this helps fulfil the need that you have!

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    BeCarolineBeCaroline Member Posts: 1

    Dear Jordan,

    Nice tip but it does not fulfill basic expense report requirements. When seeking reimbursement of certain expenses from clients, they need more info (e.g. names, IBAN, VAT) than what appears in the Account Transaction Report.

    Can you please seek prompt Wave improvements on the expense report front and keep your dear customers posted :-)? Thanks

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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @BeCaroline!

    Thanks very much for your feedback here. I can assure you that this feedback as far as potential improvements for Wave's reports does not go unnoticed, and I've been sure to loop Jordan in on this as well. We'll absolutely keep users like yourself posted with regards to improvements that we make to this type of feature down the line :)

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    t_23cf08e96955t_23cf08e96955 Member Posts: 1

    I would love to be able to export only my expenses in Wave Accounting. You do have a generous Reports section, but unfortunately I am not an accountant and I don't understand most of them. 😅

    I use Wave Receipts to track my expenses. It's a great app that I read you are discontinuing! That is sad. I really love it. 💔

    I use Wave Accounting exclusively for invoicing and expense tracking to help me with my taxes. I share expense data with my accountant and would love to be able to export a list of just my expenses.

    Your internal GraphQL API already has the ability to do exactly what I want to do on the Accounting → Transactions page (e.g. https://next.waveapps.com/:business_id/transactions where I can filter by calendar year and transaction type "Withdrawal"). Perhaps you can surface a feature like a button that says "Export visible transactions to CSV" on that page if you don't want to make an official spot for it in the reports section. This would be extremely useful!

    Thanks again for building such a useful suite of products!

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    scottyhuffscottyhuff Member Posts: 8

    Yes, a filterable expense report (with receipt images) would be extremely beneficial to me. I'm with the previous poster. I am not an accountant and simply use Wave for expense tracking.

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    scottyhuffscottyhuff Member Posts: 8

    Also, I don't see an option for "Receipts" under "Purchases". Is that a paid option only?

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    smileybirthsmileybirth Member Posts: 2

    This is the first year I've really used Wave to track my expenses and receipts. I am shocked to find that there is virtually no expense reporting available in Wave. I guess I wish I'd looked into this further before doing all that data entry.

    I can only get a gross total for each expense line item. I don't find any reporting that allows me to break out taxes and net cost for expenses. This is basic information my accounting is asking me for to submit my taxes.

    Wave, looks like people have been asking for expense reporting here for 3 years now. This is a pretty basic request for the small businesses you cater to. I'm pretty disappointed that you haven't put the resources into making this happen.

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    Sctn4ElkSctn4Elk Member Posts: 1

    It would be great if WAVE had a form like what we use that could be reported on, printed, invoiced, etc...

    This is basic information that any business uses to reimburse employees, charge vendors, and report on for tax purposes. It would also be great if GUEST users to the WAVE app could fill out the form, upload receipts, etc...

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