Actual amount in checking acct and amount listed in Wave is different.

DharmaRealmBowlsDharmaRealmBowls Member Posts: 1

Obviously, I am no accountant, but for some reason, the amount listed in Wave is a few hundred dollars less than the actual amount in my checking account. I cannot for the life of me figure out why this is... how do I go about fixing this discrepancy? Do I need to hire an accountant?


  • ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @DharmaRealmBowls , thanks for reaching out. To start I would take a look through your transactions for your checking account (accounting > transactions) and compare against your bank statement to see what you have and what you may be missing. You can see this easily by reconciling the account, this help centre article will help to guide you through that. I hope this helps :smile:

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