
Categories & payment

AdcademysaAdcademysa Member Posts: 1

I need to categorize my products & services for example:
Category – Website

  • Website hosting
  • Website development
  • E-commerce
    Category – Google

  • Adwords setup

  • Adwords training
  • Google my business setup
  • Google Console setup
    Category – Products

  • Router

I would like to know when would your payment portal be available in south Africa?


  • Options
    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Adcademysa,

    You can actually create your own product categories in your Chart of Accounts. When you create your account and choose your business type, Wave creates a handful that might be useful depending on your choice, but that's rarely exhaustive or perfect. Your business is unique after all, so its Chart of Accounts needs to be, too!

    We have a guide on the Help Center explaining how to do just that.

    As for payments in South Africa, it'll depend on our international payment provider. Outside of Canada and the United States, Wave uses a service called Stripe to process payments. Paying directly through Wave will be available in South Africa once Stripe supports your country. There's a list of Stripe-supported countries here. You'll also find a field to get a notification once your country is added.

    Until then, you'll have to accept payments through other means and record those payments manually.

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