
Zapier with stripe and Wave

HellenicHellenic Member Posts: 2

Hi all,
until now my Zap is working and record a new sale when a new charge is happening via stripe
But it records the full amount of sales like 50,00 witch is correct but we have also the stripe fees witch they are around 1.28
so i tried to edit my Zap and found somewhere that have a mention for that as transaction accounting fees so i found the fees and i applied.
But then zap failed with error We had trouble sending your test through.
INVALID: Transaction line items in the transaction currency are over balanced.

when i removed the fees then working again.
So my question is how to record in wave the transaction fees from stripe as they are expenses for my sales
any suggestions please to record this Zap ?


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    SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Hellenic - this was a known issue in Wave but there should have been a fix rolled out. Could you confirm which currency you are using? Also, would you be able to send over screenshots of the Zap you've set up so we can dig in further?

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    HellenicHellenic Member Posts: 2

    Hi Samd,
    i am using Euro,

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    SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Thanks @Hellenic! It does look like this may be related to the previous issue we were experiencing with Zapier as you and a few other users have reported the fix didn't take. My apologies about this, and thank you for sending those screenshots over to confirm. I've linked your case to the ticket we have with our API team, and I'll keep you posted!

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    TwinTiersITTwinTiersIT Member Posts: 1

    I had this same problem using Square. My fix was that I needed to specify the processing fee account for the processing fee to be logged under. If you have just the fee listed it fails to go through.

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    micahldixonmicahldixon Member Posts: 1

    I am having the same problem with my Zap for Stripe -> Wave.

    The gross sale comes through to Wave transactions IF I leave the Payment Processing Fee Amount and Payment Processing Fee Account blank. Which then means I need to manually go into wave and add the Payment Processing Fee as a transaction.

    I may be wrong but it seems like it can find the Payment Processing Fee Amount without any issue but Payment Processing Fee Account field on zap is blank. I attempted to make a custom input but that failed miserably.

    Hopefully you have a solution for us...

    Ref: INVALID: Transaction line items in the transaction currency are over balanced.

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @micahldixon . I sent you a dm so we can further troubleshoot :smile:

    edited September 20, 2019
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    asmithwash101asmithwash101 Member Posts: 1

    I am having the same issue in Zap for stripe -> wave

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @asmithwash101 , I see you have ongoing ticket with the team :) I'll let them take care of you there!

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    jakemuzzyjakemuzzy Member Posts: 2

    I'm getting this error also - any progress?

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    jakemuzzyjakemuzzy Member Posts: 2

    I was able to get it to work. One must have a Payment Processing Fee Account set up: - Chart of Accounts - Expenses - scroll down. See step 6 here: https://support.waveapps.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000472306-How-to-account-for-transaction-fees

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    dannydicksondannydickson Member Posts: 1

    @AlexL : Looks like the same issue I'm having, could you dm me to assist please?

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    @jakemuzzy thanks for adding your steps here :)

    @dannydickson DM'd!

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    Reinette_1Reinette_1 Member Posts: 1

    I´m having the exact same problem with Stripe>Wave. Any progress on a fix?

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Reinette_1 . The following steps should solve your issue for you.

    @jakemuzzy said:
    I was able to get it to work. One must have a Payment Processing Fee Account set up: - Chart of Accounts - Expenses - scroll down. See step 6 here: https://support.waveapps.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000472306-How-to-account-for-transaction-fees

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    MotherKnitterMotherKnitter Member Posts: 1

    I'm getting the same error message...trying to test my Zap/Wave and no can do. I've set up the expense account already...help and thanks!

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    CPCollinsCPCollins Member Posts: 1

    Does this image display?

    I have something related but a little different. 

    We have a subscription service. People join and pay with credit card recorded in Stripe. No invoicing needed.

    The Stripe transaction file in Zapier shows the total sale amount and all the related transaction fees called Payment Processing Fee Amount in the Zap we created based on an existing Zap named 'New Charge in Stripe / Record Sales in Wave'.
    A. Stripe Fee = $US1.00 or 2.9% of the gross sale amount + $US0.30 transaction fee
    B. Our platform provider fee = $US1.00
    C. Sum Total = $US2.00 of the 2 fees. 

    In our Wave bookkeeping we have created several Transaction Fee Accounts to receive each fee by name associated with the transaction. These Wave Accounts too are visible in the Zap called 'Payment Processing Fee Account' for mapping.

    However, I can only select one of the Payment Processing Fee Amounts available at a time to map to the corresponding 'Payment Processing Fee Account' in Wave. I cannot find a way within the Zap to repeat (Add Another) to the process in a row (like using the + add additional step) so I would have 2-3 Payment Processing Fee Amounts mapped to their 2-3 respective 'Payment Processing Fee Accounts' in Wave so the entire transaction record flows up to Wave as a gross sale, minus 2-3 transaction fees related to the event.

    Thank you. I hope the image came through I can't see it.

    Charles Collins

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