
Expense management | Receipts | Reimbursement

SimonereevesSimonereeves Member Posts: 9

I need to attach receipts to my invoice on which they are listed when they are reimbursable by the client. The client needs pdf copies of these receipts.
How can I select the receipts I want to extract to ONE pdf such that I can put them in the same email.
Even better would be if I could select and assign them to the invoice.



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    SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Simonereeves! At the moment attachments to an invoice isn't possible in Wave. For the time being while we explore how to implement this, the workaround we usually recommend is that you download a PDF of your receipt, and email your client directly with an invoice and receipt attached.

    The best way to grab the corresponding receipt would be to head to Purchases > Receipts, select the receipt in question, and view it. You should then be able to right-click to save the image, and then convert it to a PDF (Wave doesn't directly export to PDF at the moment).

    I hope this helps!

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    SimonereevesSimonereeves Member Posts: 9
    Thanks. But I don’t think it does help at all.... it isn’t about ‘the receipt’ but rather multiple receipts. I can put them in one pdf but not from the Wave app. Indeed I don’t see the value of even entering receipts for items reimbursed by clients in payment of invoice in the app. if i can’t select them as a group to extract to pdf. Did I misunderstand you?
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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Simonereeves . You didn't misunderstand. Wave doesn't support sending out specific receipts in a bunch. We definitely value your feedback here, and knowing your work flow of having receipts for reimbursed items is good for the team to see when looking up use cases to determine future implementations to the software.

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    Colleen_LionHeartColleen_LionHeart Member Posts: 9

    Completely agree with Simon here, this would be infinitely helpful. Thanks for considering.

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