Why do i have 2 Business accounts

DukeOfSwanDukeOfSwan Member Posts: 1

im in the process of reconciliation, and i have one physical business account, but theres 2 on wave apps and i need to reconcile both? also do created transfers cause imbalances in the books??


  • CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Hi @DukeOfSwan could you share a little bit more information so we can find the best solution for you? When you click on your business name, do you have two businesses in the drop-down menu, or do you have two distinct logins for Wave? Could you also share the name of your business?

    If you're not referring to businesses you have in Wave, is this in references to business bank accounts? If so, could you share a screenshot of the issue (obfuscating any sensitive information)?

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