
Missing many banks like Hang Seng Bank Business and Paysera

WordselleryWordsellery Member Posts: 3

Does someone know when Wave will add more banks to the list?

For me it is strange that it has Hang Seng Bank Home (particulars) and doesn't have Hang Seng Bank Business as Wave is a tool for professionals and for invoicing, paying, etc...

I also miss Paysera Bank...

Many thanks.

edited August 30, 2018 in Bank Connections


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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Hi, thanks again for posting! Like other similar pieces of software, Wave facilitates automated bank connections by working with a third party data provider. Through them, we're able to offer connections to thousands of banks around the world. Because connectivity to a particular bank is determined both by the online banking structure of that bank and by our data provider, we're unable to directly add support for banks we don't currently connect to. We're always working to expand our offering in this respect. You can read more about bank connections here.

    Wave also offers the ability to import your transactions. You can find instructions here.

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