
Searching Customers

BreeBree Member Posts: 6

Is there a way that i can search for a customer based on the phone number? I deal with a lot of customers and currently I have to open several customers before i find the right one just due to name repetition. for example i have about 30 Mohammad's as customers. 6 Grace's 8 Ady's etc. Which means I have to go through all of them until i find the right one based on phone Number. I have started adding the last 4 digits of the customers phone number to the name however that is not very professional looking for invoices.
Searching by phone number would also be very helpful in elimination those pesky double contacts that occur due to nicknames or slightly different spelling etc.



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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Bree . I'm afraid you currently can't search Invoices by a customer's phone number, but instead only by their name. I'll definitely take your detailed workflow here as feedback though as we do looking for use cases when determining how important a new feature would be to implement into Wave. Thanks again!

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    BreeBree Member Posts: 6

    Thank You. Searching for customers under the customer tab is non existent and because i don't see any info beside the customers name when searching for a customer when creating a new invoice it can make it very difficult when there are multiple customers with the same names. This can make creating a new invoice hard when i have to select 3 or 4 different customers before i find the right one. It s a very time consuming process

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