Reconciliation error message: There was an error saving your balance

ripekaripeka Member Posts: 7

I am posting this in case other people have this issue. When reconciling bank statement to Wave balance, I received the message "There was an error saving your balance. Please try again later" I cleared cache, tried another browser, checked all bank feeds were updated, checked all transactions were reviewed but I couldn't see any problems. Wave just wouldn't accept the data (dates and figures) I was trying to input. So I simply changed the statement date back one day and told it to reconcile at that new date. Wallah. Success! Of course the actual reconciliation figures were then out between my bank statement figures and Wave. However, I then simply edited the statement balance for the reconciliation, changed the date back to the correct End of Month date (which was the date that I had been trying originally to input), and Wave accepted the correction with no issues. There seemed to be some sort of bug/computer brain fart which hopefully has now disappeared for good. Fingers crossed!

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