Add Contact to Transaction, What does it actually do?

MarshallMarshall Member Posts: 7

Hey all,

I'm new to Wave but I've managed to import everything from my spreadsheets really easy, and I'm finding it good fun to use!! (Call me weird :sweat_smile: )

Anyway, adding a Customer to an expense transaction, what does this actually achieve? Will it help me? How would I even know I've done this? Will it make the tax man happier? I'm in the UK here.


  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @Marshall! Good questions.. To me, and I'm sure lots of other business owners like yourself would find this very useful. Basically all it does is associate the transactions that have been imported with the customers you select. In the reports section, you will see the Account Transactions report - from here, you can select a specific account and also filter by customer. Essentially, if you are wanting to track specific transactions by customer, this report allows you to do so.

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