I've managed to 'unpay' bills

LearnCLearnC Member Posts: 2

I've just started using Wave and have transferred a load of transactions and learning as I go along. Thought I was doing well (had managed to issue invoices and reconcile to bank statements)... until... I was double-checking everything last night and thought I'd entered the categories incorrectly for a number of withdrawals so I changed them all (big mistake).

Only then did I realise the categories had automatically been set when I'd marked the bills as paid! So now I've disconnected all the bills from the transactions - the bills all show as unpaid, although all the transactions still exist.

The only way I can see to resolve is to delete all the transactions and repay all the bills!

I can see someone asked the same question in April (I'm amazed the system allows you to make critical changes without any warning!) but the answer didn't say how to resolve.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @LearnC. When you're making a payment in Wave (on a bill) you will be asked what category should be associated with the particular payment. Once that payment is paid, there will be a transaction that is automatically created. I'm curious though, were there two transactions in this scenario? As in, one for the bill that was created in Wave, plus the transaction that would have come through as an expense transaction from your bank? If the latter, with the existing transaction, you can categorize it so that it's associated with the bill itself (categorizing it as Payment sent for Bill in Wave).

  • LearnCLearnC Member Posts: 2
    Thank you JamieD! I ended up with two ‘entries’ - one being the bill due and one being the transaction I had unlinked from the bill.

    I couldn’t see a way to correct it - your suggestion worked, thanks v much!
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