
"Payment for an invoice in Wave" not showing up.

antz29antz29 Member Posts: 2

Where is the "Payment for an invoice in Wave" option? It doesn't show at all on my USD or EUR accounts.


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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @antz29. If you have transactions that come through in a different currency than your base currency, you won't actually be able to associate the transactions with the invoices themselves -- in this case, you would simply just need to mark them as paid so they appear in the reporting. With that being said though, this is definitely a feature request that has been brought up recently, and we're hoping to have something in the works as a fix in the near future.

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    emilymillingemilymilling Member Posts: 1

    Has this been updated? It's a bit of a hassle that I can't apply these payments. It's messing up the reporting as well.

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    NicoletteBNicoletteB Member Posts: 122 ✭✭

    @emilymilling No updates on this yet unfortunately. As a workaround, it's best to apply the payment directly on the invoice and then merge the payment transaction and the bank transaction together. To merge transactions, locate both in your Transactions page, check the boxes to the left of the 2 matching transactions, and then click 'Merge'. This should help with making sure everything is accounted for properly!

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    Andrew_BITAndrew_BIT Member Posts: 3

    @NicoletteB ; I have an invoice issued in USD which is paid to my bank via wire transfer so it appears as a Bank Transaction in CAD. Due to fluctuating exchange rate, the invoice amount will show the USD based on the currency exchange the date the invoice was issued but the bank transaction will reflect the CAD after currency conversion on the date payment received. This means that the two transaction amounts have differing dollar amounts and cannot be merged. How do I reconcile the delta between the exchange rate at time of issue vs. time of payment...i.e. $100USD was calculated as $130CAD at time of issue but at time of payment $100USD was converted to $128CAD leaving a difference of $2CAD.

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    JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Andrew_BIT ! In this case, you will need to adjust the invoice itself to match the amount that was actually paid. Once this adjustment is made, the amounts will align, allowing you to merge the transactions successfully. Alternatively, when you mark the invoice as paid, you can delete the other transaction.

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    parthvzalaparthvzala Member Posts: 1

    I have the same issue. Any workaround?

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