
Use Wave as an accountant

MShabbirMShabbir Member Posts: 2

Good Afternoon,

We have an accounting company and are looking to use Wave Apps more on the regular. I have a few questions, and was hoping if someone can help me. We are using QBO and QB as well, but want to use Wave as well.

1) Do you have a separate account for "accountants" or my normal account is good

2) If I want to have an employee added, so that I can select which client account he/she can access. Is that an option?

3) Since Wave has been purchased by H&R Block, are there any changes coming related to fees?



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    MikegMikeg Member Posts: 995 ✭✭✭


    1. No and Yes (see below)
    2. Yes
    3. From speaking to an admin on the site, nothing is going to change.

    I'm a CPA and use Wave to do bookkeeping for clients. Here is what I do. I will set up an account under the clients email so that they are the owner. I will give them a password and request that they let me know if they change it so that I always have access at the owner level. I give myself Admin access to my Wave account. With Admin access you should be able to add an employee for access under settings/users
    You can also set up a business under your profile and give your employees access as well. My preference is to keep clients separate from own profile hence, why I create each business using the owners email.

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    MShabbirMShabbir Member Posts: 2

    @Mikeg said:

    1. No and Yes (see below)
    2. Yes
    3. From speaking to an admin on the site, nothing is going to change.

    I'm a CPA and use Wave to do bookkeeping for clients. Here is what I do. I will set up an account under the clients email so that they are the owner. I will give them a password and request that they let me know if they change it so that I always have access at the owner level. I give myself Admin access to my Wave account. With Admin access you should be able to add an employee for access under settings/users
    You can also set up a business under your profile and give your employees access as well. My preference is to keep clients separate from own profile hence, why I create each business using the owners email.

    Hi Mike,

    Thank you for your detailed response. I'll look into how I can implement it on my side.

    I have used QBO for a while now, and I don't like Intuit constantly increasing the monthly fees and I have smaller clients who want cheaper alternatives. This is where Wave came up and I wanted to see how I can utilize it best.

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    MikegMikeg Member Posts: 995 ✭✭✭

    Sure. Not a problem. I like it over QB. Much easier to use. Another item I would add : I have clients that use the invoicing feature. I typically like to keep the invoicing separate from the bookkeeping. I set up 2 business under the clients email. One is for invoicing and the other for bookkeeping. Like QB Wave defaults to accrual basis accounting when invoicing is used. You have to match payments received with invoices which can be a pain. I prefer to keep it separate so that I can do the cash books (tied to banking) and the owner can do invoicing and not affect the cash books. Hope that makes sense.

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    thomssithomssi Member Posts: 27

    On this I think (and it may be me) some clarification around "client". I have access or own 4 companies, I can add or remove access to these and different user types have different access. If @MShabbir is asking though that within a company can you restrict what a user can see on a client (read customer) by client basis then I do not think that is the case.

    E.g. Suppose you had a bunch of sales guys in one company and you expected them to enter their own customer invoices and possibly track and chase them then I don't think you can restrict other users from seeing those so people could only see their own revenue. Anyway, depending on your reading of "client" does it mean customer within a company or company?

    edited June 21, 2019
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