Allocating a credit note from a Supplier

KittyKitty Member Posts: 6

Hi there, I have tried to find some info on doing this via the support page but have drawn a blank, if anyone knows how to do this I would be really grateful for some advice please.
I have various invoices from my supplier and one credit note, I have entered all under "Bills" and the credit obviously as a minus value. How do I allocate the credit against the relevant invoice so I am left with the balance to pay?
Big thanks in advance!


  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Kitty . Just so you have a better understanding, Wave does not yet support Credit Notes. It sounds like what you're doing is correct though. If you have a Credit Note, and you add a negative to an item in the Bill itself, the balance should be reduced, accounting for the actual amount that you need to pay.

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