Bank Balance Missing From Dashboard

MissChrisMissChris Member Posts: 2

I have been using wave for a few different businesses (all have different logins). My most recent account, that has a bank connection in place, will NOT show the bank account & credit card box on the dashboard that has the quick view balances. Is there a specific setting I am missing to activate this?



  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @MissChris . Looks like your new account is integrated with our newer Data Integrator. In this new connection, we have not yet built it out to have your balance show in the Dashboard. With this being said, you can still view your balance by going into Banking > Connected Accounts.

  • MissChrisMissChris Member Posts: 2

    Thank you for the response @alexlewiszarkos. But I seem to also be missing the ability to update my connections so it does NOT import new transactions. How would I force an update of transactions without the dashboard box that shows the information and notifies me of last update?

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @MissChris. At this current moment, the only way to refresh the connection for your bank in the Connected Accounts section is to completely delete the connection, and then re-add it. We should definitely see some improvements in the near future which would allow our users to update this on their own without having to remove the connection and re-adding it, but we still don't have an immediate timeline as to when this will be.

  • chrisschroeder2chrisschroeder2 Member Posts: 6

    I really liked having and used almost daily that Bank Cash Balance information on my dashboard. :(

    Can I revert? Or can you add that feature back very soon?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @chrisschroeder2 . This is indeed the next feature that we'll be building out for Wave's bank connections. Thanks for your patience!

  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hi @chrisschroeder2! Thanks for your feedback on this! This is a popular tool and one our team is currently working on so you will have this visibility again. I don't have an ETA to provide but we hope to have this up and running for users soon!

  • theMikeDtheMikeD Member Posts: 5

    So the missing bank balance issue has been know for 8 months. When can we expect this to be finished? I assume that, like any major software project, you have a project manager that can tell you...?

    edited February 6, 2020
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