
HawpHawp Member Posts: 6

A little while ago I received a notification from Wave stated they were going to introduce a system where deposits could be allowed and manage whilst invoicing. There has been no action on this and I wonder if we have been told that to "keep us quiet" as several Wave users were threatening to leave and use another system.
Is there any genuine news on when this is going to be introduced?


  • SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Hawp - do you know if this message was from Wave Labs or a user research group? We are looking at a couple different updates to invoices at the moment, deposits being one of them, and I know we have reached out to a few users to test workflows and give feedback.

    For a little more transparency into when something like this may be introduced, we've been working on a pretty massive update to our invoicing on the backend. Invoices as they currently stand are on an older system which doesn't give us as much room for growth as we'd like. Because this is an entirely back-end rebuild however, there shouldn't be any marked changes until we are able to implement the features this new platform allows for.

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