
Connecting with Santander UK

UKDigiPartnerUKDigiPartner Member Posts: 1

I've been told my credentials are wrong...

I've double checked they aren't.

I've used an incognito window. Same message.

I login at

which may be a slightly different login address than the standard.

please advise.

edited August 30, 2018 in Bank Connections


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @UKDigiPartner.

    The login page your providing doesn't match the one our bank data provider is using. The link they have actually doesn't lead to a login page at all. What probably happened is that Santandar updated their website without communicating with our data provider, which would've broken the connection.

    Given the size of Santandar, however, I'd assume that this will be fixed sooner than later. Our data provider will notice the error messages and act accordingly. I can't give you an estimate of when it'll be fixed, but I'd recommend trying again in a few days.

    Until then, you can use the steps outlined here to upload your bank statements manually.

    edited February 20, 2018
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    measureddesignsmeasureddesigns Member Posts: 2

    Thanks for explaining. I've been having intermittent issues with my Santander Business UK feed since early January, but it has now been dead for 18days. I've opened two support tickets but have only received the generic 'We will include this data in our internal reporting' response.

    I'm also now on my second new pin request after messing around with my Wave connection details for too long breaks my direct login.

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    measureddesignsmeasureddesigns Member Posts: 2

    Santander UK confirmed that 3 wrong PIN entries (3 wrong login attempts via Wave) will cause the account to lock up, I'll then need to request a new one.

    Can anyone confirm when the connection with Santander UK has been updated / fixed? Otherwise I'm in a loop of breaking my login and getting new PINs posted to me.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @measureddesigns.

    Unfortunately, as mentioned in my last post, fixing this issue is within the hands of our third-party data provider.

    Do you login on the same page as the original poster? If you give the me link of the login page you use to connect to your online banking, I'll be able to confirm whether there's a discrepancy between the page our data provider is linking to and the one you use to log in.

    Otherwise, you'll have upload your bank statements manually, as explained in my previous reply.

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