Double up of accounts

notnanotna Member Posts: 3


When I first used wave I connected 3 bank accounts to my profile, all good.

When the connection stopped working I then manually added each account, also all good.

Today I tried to reconnect my bank, which was successful, however, it is now showing doubles of each of these accounts.

Any ideas on how to resolve this without deleting everything and having to recode.




  • ChelseaKChelseaK Member Posts: 261 ✭✭

    @notna Sorry to hear about the doubles. I'm afraid sometimes this can happen. :/

    In this case, I would recommend heading to your Chart of Accounts and renaming one of the duplicate accounts you would like to delete. Then, head back to your Transactions page and delete the Transactions associated with your renamed account. Once these transactions are deleted, head back to your Chart of Accounts and archive it.

    I'm also thinking this is grounds for a Service Request. Can you direct message me with screenshots of the duplicate accounts in your Chart of Accounts section as well as the duplicates in your transactions page?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @notna . I'm sorry but I'm slightly confused. Let me clarify a few things. When you first setup Wave, you connected 3 bank connections to import transactions. The connections then stopped importing, so you created 3 accounts in your Chart of Accounts? Where were your transactions being imported into previously if these accounts in your Chart of Accounts were created after your bank accounts stopped importing?

    Also, please provide screenshots of your duplicated accounts so I can get a better idea of what's going on here.

  • notnanotna Member Posts: 3

    Hello Both,

    When the connections dropped I imported transactions into each of the existing accounts and that worked fine.

    When I reactivated the connections it has created these double ups.

    edited June 25, 2019
  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    @notna Got it. So first, you'll want to figure out which accounts you'll be using moving forward. I'd go into Chart of Accounts > Assets and change the name of 1 of every duplicate account to something like "Business Saver DELETE". This way you know which one you're keeping, and which one you're deleting.

    Next, go into your Transactions page and in the top left corner, filter for the account you will be deleting. If there are any transactions in this account, click into the transaction itself and change the account to the account you'll be keeping. Move all of your transactions over.

    Lastly, go into Banking > Bank Connections and change the importing bank accounts to the accounts that you're keeping so that moving forward, they all import into the appropriate accounts.

    You can then delete the useless accounts in your Chart of Accounts.

  • notnanotna Member Posts: 3

    Going through and manually selecting each transaction is an absolute waste of time and now, as I attempt to reconnect my accounts it is saying that my bank is longer supported, again.


    edited June 28, 2019
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