Adding Dates to Items

ElmohsElmohs Member Posts: 7

Been looking through the options on wave. However, we are looking at a way to add dates to the data input on charges. We charge clients over consecutive days as they do activities and apart from adding the date manually in the 'description' we don't see any other option. Is there a way of doing this automatically? Is this something that may be added in the future?


  • Colleen_LionHeartColleen_LionHeart Member Posts: 9

    This would help me tremendously as well. All of my services are given on a certain date and I'd like to be able to have that column on the invoice.

  • ChelseaKChelseaK Member Posts: 261 ✭✭

    @Elmohs @Colleen_LionHeart Thanks for raising this point! While there is a field for the date on the invoice itself, there is not a field for the selecting the date a service was given. Like you say, you can add specific dates at the bottom of the invoice in the notes section but adding date field is a really interesting suggestion. I'm not sure this is on the immediate product roadmap but it's a great idea.

    Does anyone else reading this thread want to weigh in? Would adding a date field for services given on the invoice be something of high value to you? Let us know!

    edited June 26, 2019
  • donbowmandonbowman Member Posts: 13

    what i am looking for...

    my customer has created a PO #XXX. It says "invoice up to $X".
    I can now send invoices referencing this PO (until it runs out of money).
    I provide a monthly service.
    The ask is to have the invoice say:

    QTY 1 "service" "service for start-date -- end-date" @ $XXX

    so they want to see an invoice "service june1-june30" ... $10
    and then one "service july1...july31" ... $10

    so i need to make the date in the description (recurring) automatic based on start/end of the timeperiod.

    so if i have it generate invoice automatically on first of month, it should say "service for to".

  • ChelseaKChelseaK Member Posts: 261 ✭✭

    @donbowman Thanks for sharing your thoughts in this thread. It will be a great reference point for us when we're considering suggestions for Invoice product roadmapping :)

  • Paul3490Paul3490 Member Posts: 1

    Yeah, me too. I need a date for each time I provide a service and I'd be happier if it were automatic. By the way, I'm new here so I hope I haven't broken any rules. Thanks.

  • RicieRicie Member Posts: 2
    Hi All,

    I’m new too, I was looking for a invoice creator where I can add days dates of services rendered. I was told this app can do it only to find it can’t. Wave looks a good system, but I can’t use it till this service is active on wave as all my work has to be dated on invoice and named for it to be passed to accounts. As yet I don’t see this fitting the bill for me!
  • Miss_Dori_TutoringMiss_Dori_Tutoring Member Posts: 10

    @ChelseaK - Is there any update on adding dates to invoice item lines? The ability to add service dates to invoices would also benefit me greatly. I bill monthly based on hours worked for a client. Let's say I see a client every Wednesday for 1 hour & bill them $100/hr for each session. Therefore, this client would be billed $400 for a month with 4 Wednesdays, and $500 if the month has 5 Wednesdays. I would LOVE a way for a recurring invoice to automatically calculate how many Wednesdays fall in that billing period and automatically list each week in the item list (eg. "Wed, July 1 - $100" as the first line item and "Wed, July 8 - $100" as the second line item, etc.) Please & thank you!

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Miss_Dori_Tutoring , no updates on this but we appreciate you taking the time to outline the needs of your business along with how exactly this feature would improve your workflow!

  • Mosaic_InterpretingMosaic_Interpreting Member Posts: 1

    Circling back to see if there's any movement on this. It would be insanely helpful for me, and the lack of it is pushing me to look at other options.

  • HRassistanceHRassistance Member Posts: 1
    I am also looking for the ability to add a date for each item entered on my invoice (other than including it manually in the description field). It would be great to have the service date as the first column on the invoice.
  • JamesNZJamesNZ Member Posts: 1

    I also would love to see this feature implemented.
    I work as an independent contractor and have clients that I have to invoice recurringly either weekly, fortnightly or monthly. The companies I invoice need to see the exact dates that I provided the service on the invoice.

    eg on every second Monday I send a fortnightly invoice for the the last 14 days work but it needs to say "For services provided 31st August - 13th September"

    in this example if there was code I could put in like "For services provided [date:invoicedate-15days;] - [date:invoicedate-1day;]"

    Something like this would be perfect
    Other than this requirement the software is awesome! Keep the good work up.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Mosaic_Interpreting , no movement on this quite yet.

  • FischerDesFischerDes Member Posts: 2

    I would like to see "Date" as a column so I can bill for a number of different services over a time period, like a month.

  • peachislanderpeachislander Member Posts: 1

    I would really like to have the date column added so I can record the days of my services.

  • Joe_DJoe_D Member Posts: 4

    Being able to insert an automatic Month and Year would be fantastic for me as well.

  • sicksoundsicksound Member Posts: 2

    Yes a date column would be essential for my business!

  • DobermaniacDobermaniac Member Posts: 1

    YES! Please create a date column. While I can enter a date with each item, it would be much more elegant (visually) if each item had a date to associate with the service provided or expense incurred.

  • blue_wrenblue_wren Member Posts: 2

    Bump on this!

  • FarafieldFarafield Member Posts: 1

    just started wave and can't believe there is no date of service entry. I think this will force me to stay with QBO, unfortunately. Also desperately need a way to leave notes to myself on invoices.

  • ourbusinessmattersourbusinessmatters Member Posts: 3

    We were shocked when we went to create an invoice and there wasn't a capability to enter # of service hours performed on specific dates. We provide services to clients and have 60+ subcontractors working for us that we have to bill our clients for. Our clients need to be able to double-check if the hours entered on their end match the hours we bill for on a daily basis vs a weekly basis. We have one project that we invoice weekly that we have 30 subcontractors working on and having to enter the dates & hrs in the description is tedious and time-consuming work. I've read multiple threads in these forums where over the past few years these date columns have been a request and I truly hope that this will become a priority for the development team. Even an ETA would be greatly appreciated as we would love to use WaveApps in the long-run but for business-like hours - it adds more of a burden / creates more work for us.

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