Recording Assets in Transactions & Bills

jchambers12jchambers12 Member Posts: 2

If I purchase a single asset from a company I have a single transaction and I can add it to the category Asset Account/Hardware - however if I create a Bill from a monthly credit card and have 5 items in this category I am unable to connect these items to this category. Instead I am only offered the option of adding it to an Expense Account, which then does not get added to my Balance Sheet as an Asset. Any thoughts?


  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @jchambers12. This is currently a known issue that is being looked into (associating a Bill with an Asset account). You can, however, create an expense transaction in the Transactions section, categorize it as a payment received for bill and associate it with the specific Asset account that you've created. Once we have a resolution for this, we will be sure to update our clients regarding this.

  • SFWaver2016SFWaver2016 Member Posts: 12

    ping interest

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