Payment method

RichardMannah1RichardMannah1 Member Posts: 1

Im trying this new app out and when i take a picture of the receipt i have to manually add the details.
My 2 questions are:
1. Does the app scan the receipts automatically or do I always need to manually add the details.
2. There is only two payment methods when filling out the details of a receipt. Cash and loan. How do I add credit card?


  • JamesJames Member Posts: 10

    Cant answer Q2 as I don't know.

    But Q1 The Receipt App uses OCR recognition, but it does depend on the quality of the image taken. Straight, In Focus, Is the Receipt Text legible etc. Most of the receipts I have taken have been recognised. Only one thing is that the if the transaction has also been uploaded from your bank statement then you have to watch out for duplication. I delete the bank feed transaction thus keeping the receipt image on file. Hope that's of some help, as I am relatively new to the App myself. Cheers James

    edited February 15, 2018
  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @RichardMannah1.

    You'll always be asked to review your receipt to make sure all the information is accurate. What @James says is exactly right.

    As for assigning a receipt to be paid by credit card, you'll have to add your credit card manually to your Chart of Accounts. To do this, just go to the Chart of Accounts page and click "Add an Account". You'll find Credit card as a type of account.

    You'll also have to add a Starting Balance for that credit card. The steps to do so on are in the second half of this article.

    Let me know if you need help with any part of this process. I'd be happy to help.

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