Categorising transfers - one half of the transfer is missing!

PGDaffPGDaff Member Posts: 5

Hi, I really don't like the new way of categorising transfers. It's not better, it's long winded and doesn't always work.

I regularly use my PayPal account to pay for things even when my PayPal account is empty. If the money is transferred direct from my bank account, the correct transactions appear on my list of transactions in Wave. If PayPal uses my debit card (front the same bank account, but via card instead of bank transfer) the second half of the transfer transaction does not appear in Wave.

Please can you tell me why this is happening and also what I can do to resolve it. I shouldn't have to manually add transactions, if I wanted to do that I would use a spreadsheet, but I can't see how else to make the accounts correct.


  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @PGDaff From what it sounds like, the PayPal integration isn't actually importing the corresponding transactions in Wave (unless I'm missing something). Can you confirm what transfer you are trying to create here? Is it that there would be an expense transaction associated from your bank account and then an income transaction associated with your PayPal account (then another expense from PayPal for the purchase)? If you could send me a screenshot, I would be happy to look into this a bit further, but to me it just sounds like the second half of the transaction isn't importing, which is unrelated to the way transfers are handled in the recently updated software:

  • PGDaffPGDaff Member Posts: 5

    I would disagree and say that it is related to the recent changes made with regards to transfers, because it never used to be a problem. It has only started happening since the changes were made.

    What you describe is correct though, there are two transactions showing on my Wave account. One is the payment to the supplier and the other is the money going in to my PayPal account. The transaction that is missing is the one that shows the money going out of my bank account.

    Regardless of whether or not your recent changes caused this problem, do you have a suggestion on how to fix it?

  • MyronMyron Member Posts: 143 admin

    Hi @PGDaff, it looks like you are transferring funds from your Bank Account to PG PayPal and then paying from the PG PayPal account. Please do correct me if I am mistaken.

    What is missing here is the Transfer to PG PayPal from the Bank account. I have recreated these transactions in my personal test account. What we want to do here is:

    1. If it is not already imported/created, create the transaction showing the withdrawal from your bank account:

    1. Categorize the withdrawal from your bank account by selecting the "Transfer to Bank, Credit Card or Loan" option from the category drop down:

    1. Select the other side of the transfer. In this case it is to Transfer from Bank to the PG PayPal account from July 2nd:

    1. The withdrawal transaction will now look like the image below. Save the changes.

    The final result should look like the image below. The top two lines in my example show the movement of funds from the bank account to the PayPal account, and the bottom line shows the payment from the PayPal account.

  • PGDaffPGDaff Member Posts: 5

    Hi, apologies for a late reply, I have been away for a week.

    Thank you for explaining how to fix the problem. I had worked out how to add the missing transaction, but my point is that previously I didn't have to do all that. The changes made to how transfers are dealt with have made this process so long winded and unnecessarily complicated. This didn't used to happen.

    I'm also wondering why it only happens in some transfers and not all of them. Why can't the system pick up all the transfer transaction lines like it used to?


  • hannahshannahs Member Posts: 2

    Hi, I am doing all the steps above and it just keeps saying 'error saving' and saves as 'refund for cash withdrawal or transfer'. This is super frustrating, what am I doing wrong? All my transactions are there and I can't seem to match them up. Is there a manual workaround as this does not work. All help appreciated - was previously loving this app and now not so much.

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @PGDaff In terms of picking up transfers when transactions are importing, it usually has to do with our 3rd party data aggregator and how our software auto-categorizes/picks up the specific transaction. In some instances, these won't be automatically recognized and categorized for our users. It's something we're exploring to improve in the future (auto categorization), but we still don't have any immediate plans just yet.

    @hannahs I'm thinking that maybe a bit of browser troubleshooting would help in this situation (so clearing your cached data/cookies). If you are still unable to save the transfer, let us know so we can do some further investigating on our side.

  • PGDaffPGDaff Member Posts: 5
    “It's something we're exploring to improve in the future (auto categorization), but we still don't have any immediate plans just yet.”

    I think I’d rather than you didn’t continue with auto categorisation. Some of my transactions are already automatically assigned a category and it takes me longer to undo all the errors that in would for me to just categorise them myself.

    If you have an automatic feature like this you need to ensure it is capable of learning. Some of my transactions are incorrectly categorised in persistently the wrong category. I keep amending it, I wish I could tell it to remember the changes I’ve made.
  • hannahshannahs Member Posts: 2

    Hi @JamieD - thank you for the advice. I cleared the cached data and cookies in three separate browsers and still the "error saving" box comes up. Any clues?

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @PGDaff

    As this is a relatively new feature in Wave we are very curious to hear back from our customers. As there is no way to turn this feature off we are of course looking for feedback so I appreciate this greatly. Will pass it off to our team.

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @hannahs. I've sent you a support ticket email with a bit more information, so we can do some troubleshooting there to see what's going on here. Appreciate your patience and let me know when you get a chance to reply in that channel!

  • PGDaffPGDaff Member Posts: 5
    Why is there no way to turn it off?

    > @Barsin said:
    > Hey @PGDaff
    > As this is a relatively new feature in Wave we are very curious to hear back from our customers. As there is no way to turn this feature off we are of course looking for feedback so I appreciate this greatly. Will pass it off to our team.
  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Perhaps it would be in your best interest to take a look at the discussion that has been happening here: @PGDaff. We give a high level as to why there isn't a turn off function for auto categorization, and the ideas for improvement for the future.

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