PayPal Transfer Duplicates

itzannitzann Member Posts: 1

First, let me say that we do not have our WAVE integrated with PayPal. We sell some of our products through Big Cartel, and customers pay with PayPal. We then transfer the amount to our business bank account.

I noticed that on May 7th, two of the amounts ended up in our list of transactions twice. (I checked our actual business bank account and the amounts are only in there one time which is correct). But I want to make our accounting reflect the correct transactions, so I am thinking it is OK to merge duplicate transactions in WAVE to fix this?

Thank you.


  • ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey Ann, Thanks for reaching out! You are exactly right here! If you are noticing duplicate transactions on your transactions page, that are not on your bank statement, you can go ahead and merge or even delete! It is always a good idea to compare the transactions in your Wave account against those on your bank statement, just to be sure everything looks good! :smile:

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