Customer shipping info

TurquoiserocksTurquoiserocks Member Posts: 1
Is there a way to pull the address a customer has entered when paying an invoice so I can use it to ship? Right now unless I physically add an address myself to a customer file I never see any address or shipping info for my customers. Isn't there a way to just see the address they entered when paying the invoice online? My customers info is always blank unless I fill it in.... I'd love to just be able to pull the info wo me having to ask the customer for it and add it myself when they already had to enter it themselves when making payment...... why can't I view or extract what they typed in themselves?


  • Hot_GlassHot_Glass Member Posts: 45 ✭✭

    @Turquoiserocks I have only just stated using Wave, when setting up my first customer, I only did the first part of the add customer process, with name email and phone etc . . . only after checking invoice draft did I go back in and add address info in next window, and other window info.
    There is the default option there to use billing address as shipping address, or add another.
    Not sure if this is your problem of "My customers info is always blank unless I fill it in", but maybe check that the billing / shipping section of customer info is entered and saved.

    When shipping, I print customer invoice, mark as copy, fold suitably for address to show, and use it as a shipping label in an 'invoice enclosed' stick on sleeve.

    An better option might be to be able to have a choice in the app to print an invoice as a 'packing slip', basically like an invoice with no pricing info, and do the same sleeve thing, though I will have no problems sending copy invoice, it might save the ones that miss emailed invoices.

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