Account in another currency

lumakslumaks Member Posts: 1

Hi, I have accounts in several currencies and my business currency is UAH.

The problem I am having is that all accounts (not matter the currency) are displayed in UAH. So, I made several transactions from UAH to USD account, let's say total 10k USD. When I want to transfer those 10k to another USD account, weave shows me that some money is left on the initial USD account and that's not true (it shouldn't be). The problem here is that even though the account is in USD, calculations are performed in UAH, so if I sent 10k today or tomorrow, the numbers will be different, then what the point to have a feature of accounts in different currencies?

I did account for transfer rates and losses on foreign exchange. I know what are the real numbers in the bank, and wanted to see the same results in Weave as it gives me better overview/search/reporting, but I can't work like that if I don't have trust in weave calculations.

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