Adjust quote comment when converting to invoice

bigjazzzbigjazzz Member Posts: 3

The ability to be able to set the quote comments to be replaced by the invoice comments (or "archived" underneath the Invoice comments) would be extremely beneficial. More often than not, the template comments you set for a quote are vastly different to the ones you'd set on an invoice, especially if the quote is only an estimate.


  • ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @bigjazzz, thanks for reaching out! That is a really interesting request, I can definitely pass your suggestion along to the team. In regards to the comments that you are referring to; do you meant the default settings you have created for your invoices & estimates? Or the comments/notes specific to particular invoices/estimates?

  • bigjazzzbigjazzz Member Posts: 3

    The default comments. I have set mum's system up with the following default comments. In this particular use case, what should happen is that the quote comment gets deleted and replaced with the invoice quote once converted. However, I can see some instances where you'd perhaps want the quote comments to be retained as well:

    Estimates are valid for one month from date of quote.

    Items on floor will not be moved for your security.

    Bank transfer details:

    PayID: [data]

    Account name: [data]
    BSB: [data]
    Account number: [data]

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @bigjazzz . Yeah this is definitely a tricky one as I've seen a lot of our users express that they want the invoice default quote to replace the estimate's when it is converted through. On the other hand, I've had conversations with users who use the same details for their estimate, and if they were to lose this on conversion then they'd have to enter the details in manually.

    I think either way someone loses here. The ideal solution would be an option or something of the sorts where you could select what details you want when it converts from estimate to invoice.

    Either way, thank you for putting this on our radar. The option above is evidently not yet available, so I'll pass your feedback onto the team.

  • AmatinoAmatino Member Posts: 5

    How about a dropdown list with a selection of custom comments, that would be valid on all documents? So, when completing the estimate, hit the drop down and select the comment you want. When doing the estimate, leave the comment as is, if valid, or select an alternate comment from the drop down.

  • ChipfoChipfo Member Posts: 13

    I have often wondered about this myself. In my bussiness, Home Remodeling and repair, I have a note on my estimates that I have to erase when I convert to an invoice, best just to show you.

    On my estimate I have the following -

    **Above information is not an invoice, it is a quote of services described above. This quote is for basic work performed in serviceable conditions.

    This quote does not include unforeseen or unknown problems such as termite damage, poor craftsmanship done by others, etc**

    When I convert the estimate to an invoice it doesn't make sense to have that included and I do manually delete it but sometimes I forget so I feel inclined to explain to my customer to ignore that note, it was a mistake.

    So you can see where it would be helpful for some to not have that automatically carried over.

    thank you for all your work!

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