Newbie issues/bank name

I created a nickname (via my bank website) for my main deposit account and now I am seeing them as two “separate” accounts, or rather the same account, one with the original name and one with the new nickname. How do I tell my system that it is one and the same? Or even better, delete it?
Bear with me, I’m new to accounting rules. Thank you!!
Hey @Creeksideautotag . Where are you seeing this specifically, in your Bank Connections page? OR are both of these accounts appearing in your Chart of Accounts?
Thank you for your response, Alex.
Both accounts are showing up in Bank Connections AND Chart of Accounts.
Hey there @Creeksideautotag
So what seems to have happened is that the nickname change to the primary account you use has created duplicates. Typically when a bank makes changes to their API or online banking, Wave might have a difficult time in understanding which account connected is the valid account. So it will often create a new account, but usually the old one will need to be closed off or archived manually by the user.
Unfortunately the only work around is to go into each transaction, recategorizing it to it's proper account, then once you've accounted for those transactions you will be able to go into your Chart of accounts, find the old account, select the pencil icon beside it, and prevent it from further use.
In regards to your bank connection, you'll just want to delete the incorrect account that by turning it off. Deleting the connection will remove both connections unfortunately. But prevent it from being used!