How to use Wave to manage rental properties ?

PassioPassio Member Posts: 4

I am currently using a separate App to Manage my Business and Investment property and thinking to merge all into one? Is it possible to use Wave to Manage my investment property ?

If it is, How do I enter the mortgage and Rental income? Can anyone show me or direct me to a good article on how to set it up pls ?

Thank you


  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Passio . Wave does not currently offer property-based accounting. This means that you can't specifically track the accounting for your property while also tracking your general business expenses. Wave will generate reports based on all of the information on your profile.

    An alternative method to this would be to create another business which houses specifically your property info so that you can track your numbers that way. The downside to this is that you wouldn't be able to track this in conjunction with your regular business expenses as you would have to manually add the totals together from the different business profiles in Wave.

  • PassioPassio Member Posts: 4

    Thank you Alex.

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