Splitting Transactions between Personal and Business

BeanphotoBeanphoto Member Posts: 2

Hi, I used to be able to split transactions like mortgage into part personal, part business. Is that no longer possible? e.g I used to pay my mortgage from my personal account and allocate 10% to my business via a split transaction and the 10% was allocated to my business account. This was a great feature which I can't seem to do anymore?


  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey Johnny, the workflow for this has changed. Now, in your Business profile, you'll want to split the transaction and categorize the 'Personal' side as owner investment/drawings with the 'Business' transaction side categorized as necessary. In regards to tracking this on the Personal side as well, you can just delete the business transaction so only the personal expense is showing.

  • BeanphotoBeanphoto Member Posts: 2

    I'm sorry, I still don't think this solves my problem. The payments I want to split are made from my personal account, not my business account and I want to allocate a percentage of them as a business cost.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Beanphoto

    You're correct in saying that this transaction cannot be split into two transactions, and then moving it to a personal account. The reason for that is it wasn't properly reconciling with the users bank accounts. This wasn't properly aligned with the standard bookkeeping practices and we've since then allowed the user to split the transaction into two accounts rather than actually splitting the transaction into two separate businesses (or business and personal). You can read more about the moving Business Transactions to Personal Transaction here.

    I understand that this change is not allowing you to make the necessary transaction you're looking to achieve, but with that being said we are always looking for feedback from our users for future adjustments within Wave. So thanks for reaching out.

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