Auto Calculating GST / Tax / VAT etc

Sam_BodhiSam_Bodhi Member Posts: 2

I do love Wave, but every time I have to go through and do all my receipts there seems to be a major unnecessary step calculating GST through another web app, copy and paste etc that adds at least an hour or more to the job.

Here is the way I've been doing it:

Is there a better way I'm not realising? Having this simply auto-calculate will save me hundreds of hours of my life!


  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Sam_Bodhi

    Typically the tax total is broken down as a separate line item on your actual receipt. So when typing it in you can reference the image of the receipt and type it in the GST line item rather than having to calculate it. I can't quite see your receipt details, but in theory it should be on there!

  • Sam_BodhiSam_Bodhi Member Posts: 2

    Thanks Barsin, sometimes it is on the receipt, sometimes it isn't unfortunately - so checking / typing it in manually still an extra step and adds time to the whole process. Would the auto-calculate functionality ever come to Wave in the future?

  • ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @Sam_Bodhi! Thanks for getting back to us. I completely understand where you're coming from here, an "auto-calculate" function would be extremely handy. I can't say that it is on our immediate roadmap but I will happily pass your suggestion along to our Product team :smile:

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