Feature Request - Multiple customized invoices

rdymekrdymek Member Posts: 2

It would be great to be able to build multiple invoices with different defaults for different customers. As an example, when customizing my invoice, I must choose a default payment term. Also a specific footer, etc. Also column headings and such. Having only one invoice to customize means I have customers that have other needs and it doesn't work. For instance, I have services that I add that require a heading of "daily rate" or "days" (for number of days billed) while I have other customers that are on an hourly or fixed price project. The single invoice doesn't allow me to easily adjust for these scenarios. Is there a way to do this already that I'm perhaps missing?


  • ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @rdymek, thanks for reaching out! Customizable invoices for specific customers is not available in Wave. I do completely understand how useful that would be, especially with the examples you have given. I can definitely pass your suggestion along to our Product Team as a feature request. Thanks! :smile:

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