Default net terms for a customer? Feature request?

rdymekrdymek Member Posts: 2

I would like to be able to set default payment terms for each customer. eg pay on receipt, net 30, etc. It seems silly that this is only defined as a default for the invoice, but not at the customer level. I have customers with many different terms and for me to remember these values is very time consuming when invoicing. This should be defined per customer, and populate automatically when creating an invoice for that customer. Is there a way to do this already that I'm missing?


  • ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @rdymek :)
    It is not possible to set default default payment terms on the customer level, but it is possible to set default payment terms for all of your invoices, you can do so by heading to Settings > Invoice Customization.

    I know this isn't exactly what you are looking for but I hop it helps some!

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