
Error message When importing Bank Statments

BreeBree Member Posts: 6

I am trying to import old bank transactions into the wave system i downloaded them as both CSV and QFX file types but when i try to import them it tells me "something went wrong with your file upload. Try confirming that the file type is an accepted file type." I've tried several times and several of the files types but it still keeps giving me the same error message. How do i go about uploading these transactions if the accepted file types are not being accepted?



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    ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @Bree! Thanks for reaching out and I am sorry that you are having some issues importing your transactions into Wave, Our CSV file upload is slightly picky. The upload really only recognizes three columns; date, description, and amount. The date column must be in the following format: MM/DD/YYYY for example it would be put in as 07/26/2019. Special characters such as #, &, $, * will cause an issue and we recommend removing these from your document.

    Additionally, files with more than 100 rows tend to not upload. If your file has more than 100 rows, please break it into smaller files, each with no more than 100 rows, and upload each individually. Please let me know if this makes a difference for you or if you are still having trouble!

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    BreeBree Member Posts: 6

    What about for qfx files?

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    MyronMyron Member Posts: 143 admin

    Hi @Bree! Electronic statements have encoding that lets Wave know how to "translate" the contents of the file. If you are having troubles uploading a QFX file and see the error message: "Wave needs you to make a small change to your file so we can read it.", then you would need to make some edits in the QFX file and re-save it. Here's how to edit your file:

    1. Open the statement in any text editor (such as Notepad) by right clicking the file > Open With > Notepad
    2. At the top of the file, you should see either ENCODING:USASCII or ENCODING:UTF-8.
    3. If it says USASCII, then change it to UTF-8. If it says UTF-8, then change it to USASCII.
    4. Click Save.
    5. Try uploading the statement in Wave again.

    For a visual guide, i'd recommend reading this article: https://support.waveapps.com/hc/en-us/articles/208622716-What-to-do-if-Wave-can-t-read-your-OFX-QBO-ASO-or-QFX-file

    edited August 2, 2019
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