Limited transactions get imported from Amex

atshahatshah Member Posts: 1

I am trying to import all the transactions for 2017 through 2019, but only the last 3 months of transactions get imported in Wave. Tried refreshing the updates, which is runs, but does not import any new transactions. The balance reflects the correct amount though, but no old transactions.


  • ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @atshah, thanks for reaching out! :smile:
    Banks place restrictions on the amount of data that can be aggregated by a third party like Wave, and so, depending on how far back your business banking history goes, your entire transaction history may not import.

    Most banks will allow a maximum of 90 days worth of transactions to be imported into Wave. For some banks, you may find that only 30 or 60 days worth of transactions import.

    If you find that these bank restrictions have prevented you from automatically downloading the full history of your transactions, you can still get them all recorded in Wave. You’ll want to download electronic bank statements from your bank which reflect the missing historical transactions.

    I recommend uploading statements or Wave Connect

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