Cannot mark merged transaction as reviewed

JDRJDR Member Posts: 2

Hi! I'm writing this down because I'm 99% sure I hit a bug and I know that people from Wave are very active here in the forums. I did not find any other place to report this kind of information.

  • I created and sent an invoice. My main currency is CAD, but the invoice is for an international client, so it was invoiced in USD.
  • The client payed through a bank transaction
  • I manually recorded the payment -- at this point, I have two transactions in my account transactions: the payment of the invoice I manually recorded and the transaction detected from the bank records
  • I merge these transactions together because they match date and amount
  • I try to mark this merged transaction as reviewed, but I get the following error message:

Payments on foreign invoices are not allowed.

I'm very confused from the error message. But I'm pretty sure it's a bug anyway -- last month I was able to use this same workflow to consolidate my customers invoices.

Is there anything I'm doing wrong? Is there a workaround to what I'm trying to do?



  • MyronMyron Member Posts: 143 admin

    Hi @JDR, I am sorry to hear of these issues you are experiencing with this foreign currency invoice payment. I'd be happy to help you out with this. To investigate this issue further, it would be very helpful if I could take a look into this transaction with the help of screenshots or through collaborator access on your account. If you are okay with me taking a closer look, please send me a DM with the primary email address you use for Wave.

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