Duel or more Currencies on Total

ElmohsElmohs Member Posts: 7

Hi, Is there a way of adding a second currency to the 'Total Amount Due' at a specified rate. For example we are operating in the Caribbean, we normally charge in US$ however on some occasions we charge in EX$, having both on the total amount would be very beneficial. Obviously we would also want to be able to set the exchange rate manually as we use our banks rate not the global exchange rate.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated, thanks for your time,


  • MyronMyron Member Posts: 143 admin

    Hi @Elmohs , I'm afraid that there isn't a way to add a second currency to display the Invoice total in. As an alternative, it is possible to put the total in the second currency in the notes section of the invoice. Wave uses published daily mid-market exchange rates for the exchange rate. The following article will help you to help you account for foreign exchange transactions: https://support.waveapps.com/hc/en-us/articles/208624186-Accounting-for-foreign-currency-transactions

  • ElmohsElmohs Member Posts: 7

    Hi, thanks for the response however this does not help us. We have to use the local bank exchange rates where we are located so manual setting of this option if it were ever to exist would be more beneficial.

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