Keybank Failure to Connect

astramielloastramiello Member Posts: 2

When I first started using Wave, I was able to connect to my Keybank account with no problem. Within 2 weeks the connection was lost and I have been unable to connect since. Previously I had to connect using the personal link for keybank even though it is a business account. Now the personal and business links wont let me connect. It keeps saying that my username or password are incorrect, but they aren't.


  • astramielloastramiello Member Posts: 2

    I got it figured out. On the keybank site you need to log in, go under your profile and turn on third-party access. Not sure why it worked at first and then quit, but it is working now

  • jimmiesnerjimmiesner Member Posts: 1

    Thanks! I called Keybank about this and they basically told me that there was nothing they could do to help.

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