Estimates which are converted to invoice should show converted tag

DecodeDigitalDecodeDigital Member Posts: 6


First of all I am extremely grateful for Waveapps for providing such a wonderful application for free of cost and I understand that feature requests take time to implement or sometimes are difficult to implement. So please just take this as a suggestion more than a feature request. Also I tried to find if there's a separate thread for feature requests but couldn't find hence posting as a separate.

As the title suggests, Estimates which are created in the system, once converted to invoice - they should show a different tag than just Saved or Expired(after expiry).
I think they should show converted tag so as to differentiate from those which are were not converted to invoice(which means they were turned down).

This is a very minute improvement to ask, but it will make it more clear whether the estimate was approved or not.

Shubham Rajdhar


  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey Shubham (@DecodeDigital, love the suggestion that you've provided here. It's something to definitely make note of, and I appreciate the time you've taken to mention in the community so we get a better understanding of how it could improve your Wave experience.

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