General Ledger Format

Jason_TongJason_Tong Member Posts: 2

The general ledger report that is given lacks certain details such as the description recorded within the individual transaction, and having a separate column for the transaction reference number.

Any ideas on how to change this as audits done in my country require these to be shown in the GL.

Thank you.


  • MerlinAccounts_UKMerlinAccounts_UK Member Posts: 177 ✭✭✭

    If you go to Settings in your Wave account you can find an option to do a data export (which exports all your data) and which then gives you an option to choose the export format. This does export all the details of your data entries including transaction notes.

  • Jason_TongJason_Tong Member Posts: 2

    Found the data export option but I don't see the option to choose the export format. Clicking "Export all transactions" immediately gives me a link via email to download the reports.

  • MerlinAccounts_UKMerlinAccounts_UK Member Posts: 177 ✭✭✭
    It should offer you csv, excel or PDF for your download options, for which you are then sent a link by email.

    I'd be inclined to select csv personally.
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