
Adding vendors to split transactions

CreatrixTiaraCreatrixTiara Member Posts: 6

Some of my business-related transactions are only partially applicable to my business for tax purposes: for instance, I claim 25% of my public transport and mobile phone bills as business deductions. When I account for them, I split the transaction into 25% Relevant Account and 75% Owner's Equity.

Thing is, when I split a transaction like this, I can't seem to add a vendor. I can add a customer (and I did for some time before realising that's totally the wrong category!! so now I have to do it all over again!!) but not a vendor (e.g. the mobile phone company).

How do I add a vendor to a split transaction? Is this possible?


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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @CreatrixTiara I'm afraid it's not currently possible to add a vendor to all of the splits in a transaction. You can add them at the initial stage of that transaction, but not per split that you've added. This could be something that's explored on adding in the future, but we don't have any immediate plans of this just yet.

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    Andi_LLFRVRAndi_LLFRVR Member Posts: 1

    Hi! Over 2 years later and I came to ask the same question!! @JamieD It looks like this is still not available?

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    CraigNCraigN Member Posts: 2

    I am looking for this feature to be completed as well. When I make a direct deposit to multiple vendors on the same day, the bank lumps them together into one line. When I split the transaction, Wave offers to let me add individual Customers, but this is outgoing money, so I need multiple Vendors.

    It only lets me specify a single vendor for the whole line.

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