Product or Services Category in Esimates

ixatechixatech Member Posts: 2
I would love the ability to group my estimates into sub-categories or services and then has a total of all sub-categories. This gives my customers the ability to see the cost of each services at a glance without having to understand where each service stopped


  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @ixatech . So this would essentially mean that you can have an individual price under each product, but house them under a different over-arching service to see a total breakdown of each service cost in the estimate/invoice?

    I'll definitely pass your feedback along to the team. In the meantime, you could detail the service and indicate which products belong under it in the Notes. Definitely more time-consuming, but it would function as a workaround in the meantime.

  • ixatechixatech Member Posts: 2
    That’s correct Alexis. And many thanks for the feedback
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