Transfer account ownership

cabinjohncabinjohn Member Posts: 1

I started an account for my community's non-profit citizen association. How do I transfer ownership of the account to the person who will be taking over for me? Thanks


  • TLYTLY Member Posts: 1

    Hello. I would like for my email address to removed from one account and a new one to be made as primary. I am currently unable to do so as it says the new email is already linked to an account. Could anyone assist?

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @cabinjohn,

    To do so, you just have to follow the instructions here. Note that this will transfer ownership of the entire account not of a single business. There's currently no way to transfer a single business over to a new owner. Let me know if you have any questions on that end.

    @TLY, you'll have to find which account the other email is attached to and delete it. If you find that you can't get into that account, you'll have to go through the password reset process, [which can be started here](]. Once your inside that account, you'll be able to close it following these steps.

    If both accounts are important as separate entities, you could add your second email as a collaborator.

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