Cant connect to US bank or Citi

austinandersenaustinandersen Member Posts: 6

Whole point of using wave is to connect multiple accounts. I have been trying for over month to connect Citi and it just gives error that cant connect at this time. I was told you were working on it but still wont let me connect. Now I opened US bank as it is major institution so I figured safe. However it wont connect. I login just fine and then asks for security questions. It processes the answer but then repopulates a different question. I end up in this look until it locks me out of account on main us bank page. This is business account for us bank but personal for citi.


  • austinandersenaustinandersen Member Posts: 6

    US bank is now working today. But CITI still shows it cant connect and try later.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @austinandersen . It seems that our Data Aggregation Partner has been having some issues with Citi bank for the past month or so. These are still on going and there's no ETA for a solution at the moment. I'd encourage you to continue trying the connection periodically moving forward. Also, glad to hear you were able to get US Bank connected.

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