Duplicate Bank Connections

Johnathan1991Johnathan1991 Member Posts: 1

Good Day I am in serious need of help on my wave app account. I have noticed that I have a duplicate of my bank accounts and need to remove one. I have read that you cant delete it and just archive it, my problem is the transactions still show up on my reports and it is affecting my numbers and i need to submit my things to the book keepers. Please tell me there is a way to do this????


  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Johnathan1991

    FIrst off, my apologies for this technical issue your account is experiencing! So what seems to have happened is that your bank has made some major changes to the primary account you use. Typically when a bank makes changes to their API or online banking, Wave might have a difficult time in understanding which account connected is the valid account. So it will often create a new account, but usually the old one will need to be closed off or archived manually by the user.

    Unfortunately the only work around is to go into each transaction, recategorizing it to it's proper account, then once you've accounted for those transactions you will be able to go into your Chart of accounts, find the old account, select the pencil icon beside it, rename it to give it a unique name from the duplicate account (Account name - Delete) or something along those lines


    Then you need to find all transactions under that account (you can use the drop down account selection) transfer those transactions to their proper location, or delete them if you wish) then go back into your chart of accounts and archive the account you no longer want which should have no transactions in it.


    This is the process to archive an account in Wave. The reason it is not deleted permanently is for auditing purposes. If there were transactions that were processed to that account, it's mandatory to have a trail of it of course.

    Hopefully this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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