There was an error saving

xDavidxxDavidx Member Posts: 9

I am seeing the error too now. Seems to be occurring for some transactions but not others. I wrote in to support a few days back but have not heard back from them yet. Wish the error was a bit more clear what the issue is.


  • xDavidxxDavidx Member Posts: 9

    got around the error by completely removing the transaction then manually re-adding it in. I can split the payment now as needed and save. Tech support used to be real good, what happened?

  • AmandaKAmandaK Member Posts: 73 admin

    @xDavidx glad to hear you were able to resolve the error on your own and really appreciate your feedback on making the error message more clear!

    In terms of our support team - we have recently doubled the size of our support team in an effort to get our customers faster responses, but are still training our newest team. As you've experienced, we are currently behind on our support responses, but hope to be in a position to improve our response times very soon. Thanks so much for your patience in the meantime!

  • xDavidxxDavidx Member Posts: 9

    Thanks for your reply Amanda.

  • CaptRachelCaptRachel Member Posts: 1
    I am getting an error while trying to save my business address, any way around that?
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