Disable dropdown in invoice for mobile view
Not once, but pretty frequent that my clients asking for the details of the product or service listed in the invoice, which is actually there already, hidden under the dropdown. This is not their fault though, I valued their time doing business and also my clients have various level tech savy-ness which resulted in not aware of that tiny dropdown in their smartphone.
I often had to resent the invoice by using a JPG screenshot which is quite a waste of time.
This is simply bad user experience design. I understand that dropdown is giving an aesthetic looks for the overall layout, but the fact that it is not pretty practical in real environment. Please disable the dropdown BY DEFAULT.
Hey @herrysucahya and thanks for leaving this feedback.
If I'm understanding the issue correctly, you are sending an invoice and your customer is opening the invoice on their smartphone and certain fields are hidden automatically. I've just tried to send myself an invoice and opened it through my email inbox and don't see the same behaviour, which leads me to believe that I may be not be understanding the issue fully. Are you able to grab a screenshot of what your customer is seeing so that I can fully understand the problem and pass your feedback over to the appropriate team with the most detail possible?
Thanks in advance!