Sort Overdue Bills

GujustudGujustud Member Posts: 3

The bills sorting function seems quite limited. On the dashboard it shows overdue bills, but on the actual bill screen, the sorting function only allows for sorting by vendors. Would it be possible to add a option to sort by overdue bills?

I noticed you can sort by date, number, vendor and amount due, but payment status doesn't allow to be sorted.

I realized that we can check the aged payables as well, but again doesn't show the actual bills.

edited August 27, 2019 in Accounting Technical Support


  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @Gujustud. I'm afraid it's currently not possible to sort the Bills section by payment status. There's no plan to implement this feature/filter status any time soon, but it could be revisited for customization/added to a future roadmap. One thing you can also do is go to your Settings, and select 'Export Data' under 'Other.' From here, you can select export transactions into CSV, which includes all of your bill information. You can sort of customize the CSV file to how you want it to be displayed, and filter by statuses through Excel or Google Sheets.

  • GujustudGujustud Member Posts: 3

    Thanks for the reply, seems odd that such a simple functionally is not on the roadmap. All business have to pay bills, not having a way to view overdue ones (or unpaid ones for that matter) seems odd. The dashboard shows some, but not all, so doesn't seem like it would be overly complex to add this. Exporting to a CSV is really not going to happen, and seems like a silly workout to even mention.

  • Jesper1Jesper1 Member Posts: 2

    The Bill section needs an upgrade! The sorting is not user-friendly at all, and the solution of exporting to CVS as described above is a pain. Wave please invest some time on this section of Wave, because it's costing us a lot of time and frustration.

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